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Open call

Rivers Revived Call for Associated Regions is open!

DALIA is looking for local and/or regional authorities to apply for Rivers Revived, its Call for Associated Regions.

The project will fund 10 proposals from at least 5 different associated regions with up to €100,000.

Call Overview:

DALIA's Open Call presents a unique opportunity for Associated Regions to participate in groundbreaking initiatives aimed at environmental, societal, and economic transformation. The Call aligns with DALIA's primary objectives, focusing on two key aspects: knowledge transfer and solution scalability of solutions for the Danube River catchment.

The maximum amount of financial support to each third party will be limited to 100,000 EUR.

The DALIA Rivers Revived Call aims to transfer the knowledge from DALIA pilot regions (DPs) into new pilot regions with similar conditions, by engaging local and regional authorities to select one of the DPSs regions and replicate it thus demonstrating the transferability, feasibility, and scalability of such solutions for the Danube river.

List of type of activities that can receive financial support:

  • Revitalisation of ecological systems
  • Ecosystem monitoring and restoration
  • Reconnection of floodplains
  • River connectivity
  • River Catchment rehydration
  • Sediment management activities
  • Litter clean-up in rivers and connecting ecosystems

The Rivers Revived Call accepts applications until Wednesday, 16th October 2024 at 17:00 CEST.




Eligible beneficiaries may only be local and/or regional authorities.

Applicants may apply as one single organisation or as a team of up to 3 partner organisations from one or multiple eligible countries. In case of team submission, one organisation will act as lead organisation.


Single legal entities established in any of the following countries are eligible to participate in the DALIA Open Call:

Evaluation process:

A panel of experts will rate all received applications based on the following evaluation criteria:

- Excellence

- Impact

- Implementation

Overall, the DALIA evaluation process will be divided in two phases, starting with the remote evaluation followed by a TOP 10 ranked proposals that will be invited to dedicated online interviews with the experts and the DALIA DPS partners.

For more information, please consult the DALIA Rivers Revived Guidelines for Applicants.

How to Apply:

Candidate consortia are invited to submit their applications and corresponding documents through the DALIA Knowledge and Monitoring System platform.

--> APPLY HERE <-- OC Guidelines for Applicants Proposal Technical Template DPS REPLICATION INFORMATION


The DALIA (Danube Region Water Lighthouse Innovation Action) project comprises 22 expert organisations – including universities, authorities, SMEs, and NGOs – from 8 different Danube EU and Associated countries. The project aims to transfer the knowledge from DALIA pilot regions (DPS) into new pilot regions with similar conditions, which will be selected on similarities with first 9 DPS and demonstrate such scalability of solutions for Danube river catchment. The goal of the project is to improve the knowledge to restore ecosystems in the Danube river basin and in doing so, to support practitioners in prioritizing and implementing innovations, increase evidence for successful approaches and strengthen the foundations for large scale restoration projects.
DALIA Rivers Revived provides financial support to third parties via an open call to showcase the feasibility, replicability and scale up of the demonstration activities. The call has two main goals:
  • To enlarge the pool of regions, which will support implementation of the Ocean Water Mission.
  • To deploy increasing numbers of small-scale pilots that demonstrate the transferability of the results.
Potential applicants, by selecting one or more replication solutions from the DPS replication list, will have the opportunity to leverage their regions with disruptive technologies and solutions, a smart knowledge management for restoration of freshwater ecosystems and transitional water ecosystems, ecosystem connectivity and ecological flow improvement of protection of communities against floods using nature-based solutions on the Danube River and/or its main tributaries, mitigation of the impact of droughts on freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity.
Funding is given by the DALIA consortium under a Sub-Grantee Agreement signed by the selected proposers and DALIA consortium. The funds are given by the European Commission (Horizon Europe Framework Programme), which uses DALIA as intermediary.
Submissions to DALIA Open Call will be enabled on the 18 July 2024 and will end on the 16 October 2024 at 17h00 CET (Brussels Time). Only proposals submitted before the deadline will be considered.
Only one proposal will be accepted for funding per applicant or team members in case of team submission.
Yes. A summary of the proposals and the participants’ information will be shared with the European Commission. Moreover, we will publish a list with the beneficiaries of our open call including their basic information data and funding received in our project website.
The selected sub-projects/pilots will have a duration of 24 months. During the first 12 months (Jan 2025 - Dec 2025) selected pilots will be provided with a set of trainings and knowledge transfer that will capacitate and prepare them for the pilots’ execution in selected associated regions. This will be prepared as demonstration of replicability of DALIA pilots in associated regions. This is followed by another 12 months (Jan 2026 - Dec 2026) of selected pilots’ execution.
Under the DALIA Open call, the applicants have to be a Local and/or Regional Authority (Public Organisation). The DALIA Open Call will be open to various types of Local and/or Regional Authorities according to the Horizon Europe conditions. You can find guidelines regarding Local and Regional Government in Europe on the following document here. Applicants may apply as one single organisation or as a team of up to 3 partner organisations from one or multiple eligible countries.
No, NGOs do not count as local and/or regional authorities
You can find the map for eligible countries here on our DALIA KMS platform. Eligible: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden. Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Israel, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Kingdom, Ukraine + Outermost Regions (defined in Art. 349 TFEU)
Higher Education and Research institutions can apply only if they have the legal status of local or/and regional authorities.
Yes, an applicant can apply as a single entity or as a consortium of up to 3 partners. However, all partners must be local and regional authorities and provide proof of it.
No, the application must be submitted via local authorities. In case of a consortium (up to 3 partners), all applying beneficiaries should be local/regional authorities. But it is possible that the authorities decide to subcontract the work (e.g. to an NGO, and/or SME).
No, any kind of governmental authorities (also small public administrations) are eligible.
DALIA River Revived will provide a total of EUR 1.000.000 in financial support, with each sub-project allowed to request up to a maximum of EUR 100.000. DALIA expects to fund up to 10 sub-projects proposals from at least 5 different regions.
The EU Horizon Europe Rules apply. For more information, please check the information given here: EU Horizon Europe Rules
Yes, however, If resorting to subcontracting to implement the proposed actions in the application, it should cover only a limited part of the proposed project activities and must be performed by third parties (not by the applicant). The applicants need to explain clearly why they are not able to carry out certain tasks included in the proposal and why these tasks need to be subcontracted to another entity. Subcontracting exceeding 30% of the total project budget must be duly justified in the application with regard to the objectives and outcomes of the proposed actions, the expected impact on the Associated Region, the public interest, and the sustainability of the achieved results.
DALIA funding is results-driven, provided as vouchers in a lump sum way. As such, there is no need for a traditional administrative-justification system (e.g., counting hourly dedication or calculating workload), but getting the funding is associated with the full achievement of the relevant milestones and KPIs. The requested funding will be granted in three (3) payments, along the sub-project (pilots) execution period.
  • Each selected sub-project will receive the first payment (M1) corresponding to a total of 40% of the sub-projects budget, at the start of the sub-project execution period, after the official DALIA Rivers Revived kick-off.
  • One interim payment of a maximum 40% of the eligible costs, will be associated with a positive assessment of the mid-term report/deliverable submitted by M6 of the execution period.
  • One final payment of 20%, consisting of the remaining part of the approved eligible costs incurred by the sub-project for the implementation of the pilot, associated with a positive assessment of the final report submitted by M12 of the execution period.


For more information regarding the Open Call, please contact