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DPS 4: Springs Reborn - Upper Catchment of Váh River Rehydration [SK]

The Demonstrative Pilot Project for the Revival of Springs in the Kysuca catchment aims to:

  • Improve the abundance, stability, and robustness of the springs.
  • Hydrate the forest.
  • Reduce soil erosion by slowing down the runoff of precipitation with close-to-nature water retention measures.
  • Prove that rainwater management with rainwater retention measures can regenerate springs and mitigate climate change.

The project will monitor the impact and quantify the effectiveness to allow replication in other areas.

  • Modeling and delineation of 10 micro catchments to monitor the impact of measures taken

Expected long-term benefits:

  • Increased resistance of the micro-region to droughts.
  • Reduced risk of flash floods.

The project will utilize experience from over 30 years of PAW interventions.