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DPS 5: Begečka jama – Sustainable solutions for ecosystem monitoring and restoration [RS]

  • Location:
    • Serbia (Danube River, Begečka Jama Nature Park)
  • Challenge:
    • Polluted water from agriculture and sewage threatens the Park's ecosystem.
    • Growth of wildlife populations due to hunting ban.
  • Solution (Constructed Wetland System):
    • Treats wastewater from nearby settlement.
    • Mimics natural wetlands to filter pollutants and create wildlife habitats.
  • Benefits:
    • Improved water quality.
    • Reduced nutrient load.
    • Enhanced habitat for wildlife.
  • Recommendations:
    • Expand canal connecting to Danube for better water flow.
    • Rebuild weir and install pump station for improved water quality.
  • Overall:
    • Constructed wetland system effectively treats wastewater and benefits the Park's ecosystem. Further improvements planned to enhance biodiversity and attractiveness.