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DPS 6: Sturgeon migration by-pass Iron Gates I and II [RO]

Location: Danube Delta (Romania, Serbia, Hungary) - Iron Gates area

Challenge: The Iron Gates Dams, a series of hydropower plants, disrupt the historical migration routes of anadromous sturgeon populations in the Danube River. These sturgeon species, which travel between saltwater and freshwater for spawning, face a significant reduction in suitable habitat and fragmented breeding grounds due to the dams.

Current Status of Sturgeon Population:

  • Monitoring of the wild sturgeon population in the Lower Danube reveals an unsatisfactory recovery trend. Data on migration routes is limited, hindering effective conservation efforts.
  • A ban on illegal fishing activities implemented by the Ministry of Environment has shown some positive results, limiting the decline rate of the sturgeon population. This suggests the potential for natural recovery in the long term, but anthropogenic pressures like the dams continue to pose challenges.
  • Notably, none of the anadromous sturgeon species have been observed migrating upstream of the Iron Gates dams.

Solution: Multi-faceted Approach to Restore Migration Routes

  • Scientific Fishing and Sturgeon Tracking:
    • Researchers will conduct scientific fishing with filter nets throughout the Romanian section of the Danube (from the Black Sea to the Iron Gates II dam). This will provide crucial metric and mass data on sturgeon populations.
    • In Serbia and Hungary, sturgeon specimens will be tagged with innovative ultrasonic transmitters developed by the INCDPM (National Institute for Research and Development for Fisheries and Aquaculture). These transmitters will track data on water temperature, depth, and movement, revealing migration patterns and habitat use.
  • Innovative Bypass System Implementation:
    • The core element of the project involves the design, testing, and validation of an innovative bypass system at both Iron Gates dam locations. This system aims to ensure the continuity of sturgeon migration routes, allowing fish to safely navigate past the dams and access upstream spawning grounds.

Expected Impact on the Environment:

The successful implementation of the Iron Gates Sturgeon Restoration Project is expected to have a significant positive impact on the environment:

  • Improved Sturgeon Population Health: By restoring access to historical migration routes, the project aims to facilitate natural population growth and recovery of sturgeon species in the Danube River.
  • Enhanced Ecosystem Balance: Sturgeons play a vital role in maintaining healthy river ecosystems. Their return to upstream areas will contribute to a more balanced food web and overall ecosystem function.
  • Scientific Advancement: The project will generate valuable data on sturgeon migration patterns and behavior, informing future conservation efforts for these threatened fish populations.


The Iron Gates Sturgeon Restoration Project represents a critical initiative for the conservation of Danube sturgeon and the restoration of the Danube River ecosystem. By combining scientific research, innovative technology, and international collaboration, the project offers a promising solution to overcome the challenges posed by the Iron Gates dams. The long-term success of the project hinges on the effectiveness of the bypass system and ongoing monitoring of sturgeon populations.